Pieces of the Mind.
Shining light on mental health in the bush and hearing stories from different people in the rural area. “Pieces of the mind” is here to bring stories to life and is created so stories don’t go untold. I want this podcast to bring a positive community together one I feel the bush will most definitely benefit from.
Pieces of the Mind.
Ben Dobbin - Rural Mental Health
Attention (In this episode Dobbo talks about his personal mental health battles with depression, marriage breakdowns and finding ways to deal with past trauma in a healthier manner).
To kick start Season three of Pieces of the Mind we have the one and only Ben Dobbin. Most people would call him the voice of Rural Queensland having been on our radios for a number of years. Having spoken myself with Dobbo prior to this interview on “Rural Queensland Today” and over the phone it is evident what a big heart and the passion he has for the community as a whole but first and foremost the rural communities. Dobbo has a passion for mental health and is prepared to open up and tell his story from family life, change in careers, his marriage breakdown and moments in life that have caused him pain.