Pieces of the Mind.

Karen Sullivan - Breast Cancer journey

Annie Henwood Season 3

Today we are talking about the most common cancer for women in Australia; that being Breast Cancer. Before we delve into this topic with a breast cancer survivor I would like to acknowledge the women amongst us that we have lost to this battle, those of you that have either undergone treatment or currently doing so and also to the loved ones that have come face to face with the reality of this disease. 
Please remember it is vital to be proactive and get your annual checks completed because as our guest will mention early detection does save lives!

Karen Sullivan is a Breast cancer survivor after being diagnosed in December 2019. 

On this episode together Karen and Annie will unpack the journey that being both the physical and mental side her of breast cancer. Karen talk about her life growing up on a fruit and vegetable property near Stanthorpe to marrying her husband, having four children and life on the land.